Role of Oxygen in Human Body…why do we need oxygen

Role of Oxygen in Human Body…why do we need oxygen

Role of Oxygen in Human Body

Oxygen is the heart and soul of the air we breathe.

IT is crucial for our bodies, but the amount in our blood doesn’t matter if we don’t have enough of it in every cell. The amount of oxygen we need varies depending on several factors, including our age, gender, and body type.

Oxygen is a highly-reviewed element in the field of medicine . Oxygen is fuel for every single cell in our body, and our cells could not function without it. Oxygen is also the single most important element for our energy needs since it is required for every single chemical reaction in our body.

Oxygen is a necessary nutrient that plays a critical role in all living cells. For example, it is required by the human body for the production of energy for all cellular functions. Oxygen molecules are also the carriers of the body’s messages, which are ultimately responsible for the regulation of human metabolism, or that of all other life forms. Impaired cell function is responsible for a wide variety of diseases.

The significance of Oxygen in a nutshell

  • It is a critical part of the respiratory system
  • It is needed by the cells to produce energy
  • It is excreted out of the body in the form of carbon dioxide
  • It is a part of all the three major nutrients – Carbohydrates, fats and protein

What happens to the human body when deprived of oxygen?

When deprived of oxygen, blood cells, tissues and organs will deteriorate at a much faster rate than even when you are starving. Some of the organs will stop functioning at all, and rest and recovery are a must. Do you know why this happens? That’s right: the human body is an extremely advanced and robust piece of machinery, which is designed to keep the body running smoothly even when deprived of oxygen.

The body requires a steady supply of oxygen to function normally, and if the body is deprived of oxygen for too long, it risks the onset of serious health problems

In a lack of oxygen, the cells of the body sense that something is wrong because of the changes in the brain, which are the body’s central nervous system. Inside the brain is the cerebral cortex, which is the main part of the brain that controls most of the body’s functions. The brain then sends a message to the heart and lung system that the body is in a state of emergency. When the body is deprived of oxygen, the heart begins to beat faster to pump more blood and oxygen to the organs. The lungs then begin to contract, increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Oxygen Concentrators are a boon to human beings who need additional oxygen support. This can happen when the body is unable to produce and maintain the necessary level of Oxygen Saturation in the blood due to short-term respiratory illness or chronic lung problems or any other physiological imbalance.

Using Oxygen concentrators, as per doctor’s advise can help the individual to continue with his / her lifestyle since the machine will supplement the requirement for extra oxygen level with minimal inconvenience. This will help sustain the energy levels of the body in such a way that the person can carry on his/her routine activities in a normal manner.

The role of oxygen in human health and disease is undisputed. It is, perhaps, the most fundamental molecule for human health. For decades, many researchers have studied the role of oxygen in human health and disease. Oxygen concentrators are used for a wide range of medical applications, and its role in the field of medicine is continually being explored.
Check out Helix India to learn more about essentials of oxygen and oxygen concentrators.

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